[(if: $lickedtile is true)
[that was so (link:"unsanitary")[(set: $lickedtile to false) (replace:?action)[its ok, its ok. refocus yeah?] (rerun:?floor)].](else:)[we have a job to do and that job is cooking the best grilled cheese this dang continent ever did see.]
(color:green)[ ]<action|
<div class=navigate>
<tr><td>[[kitchen sink]]</td></tr><br>
<tr><td>[[kitchen fridge]]</td></tr><br>
<tr><td>[[kitchen stove]]</td></tr><br>
<tr><td>[[kitchen counter]]</td></tr><br>
{(set: $lickedtile to false)
before you is the (text-style:"smear","tall")[Counter].
[(if: (visited:"toaster butter") is false)[ ]]
[(if: (visited:"cabinet closed") is false)[ ]]
<div class=navigate>
<tr><td>[[go to heat ray box|toaster butter]]</td></tr><br>
<tr><td>[[inspect sideways door|cabinet closed]]</td></tr><br>
<tr><td>[[jump down|kitchen floor]]</td></tr><br>
//write butter/cabinet flavor text{(set: $lickedtile to false)
before you is the (text-style:"smear","tall")[Sink].
[(if: (visited:"sink window") is false)[its sunny outside. it looks warm.]]
[(if: (visited:"sink basin") is false)[many a dishware, silverware, and plasticware have been reincarnated in that shiny valley below. this is a sacred ground of reflection and dawn dishsoap.]]
<div class=navigate>
<tr><td>[[sink window]]</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[sink basin]]</td></tr>
<tr><td>[[jump down|kitchen floor]]</td></tr><br>
</div>}{(set: $lickedtile to false)
before you is the (text-style:"smear","tall")[Fridge]. magnets, lists, macaroni face.
[(if: (visited:"fridge opened") is false)[its got a metal handle the size of a bus and opening it will take just as much strength.](else:)[an electric hum emanates from where freezy town was left slightly open.]]
<div class=navigate>
<tr><td>[[enter freezy town|fridge opened]]</td></tr><br>
<tr><td>[[jump down|kitchen floor]]</td></tr><br>
</div>}a faucet, the mouth of water and cleansing.
[[back away|kitchen sink]]
//add section that checks fridge opened for deciding if faucet can be turned "the fridge took too much out of you"from up here a nice breeze wafts in. you can hear squirrels go 'tippy-tap' on the roof.
[[let the breeze roll over you|space question tree 1]]
[[im done pondering|kitchen sink]]its aching lungs bear down upon you; to your right is the meat deck, pools of wet folds neatly boxed in opaque plastic- above you a canopy of leafy greens and colored glassware of varying fullness- [(if: $cheese is false)[and, to your left, is colonel curds final resting place.](else:)[and, to your left, is colonel curds now empty tomb.]]{
}[[release the cheese|fridge drawer]]
[[exit freezy town|kitchen fridge]]{
}you open the drawer and see a wrapper in the middle. [(if: $cheese is false)[in the wrapper is some (link:"cheese")[(set: $cheese to true) (replace:?action)[you pick up the cheese and place it in your pocket] (rerun:?table)].](else:)[there isn't anything left on the wrapper.] ]<table|
(color:white)[ ]<action|
do you want to [[leave|fridge opened]]?(if: $cheese is true)+(if:$bread is true)+(if:$grease is true)+(if:$butter is true)+(if:$spice is true)[you have every ingredient at your disposal. [[the time is now, friend.|cookend start]]](else:)[oh the skate tricks you could do... its a bit early for it but once you have all the ingredients this is where the real magic will happen; the sizzle, the rumble, the material, and the theory. livin la grillin cheesin.(link:" but you cant do anything with this pan right now")[(replace:?action)[your stomach growls] (rerun:?tummy)].]<tummy|
(color:white)[ ]<action|
[[go back|kitchen stove]][[go back|kitchen stove]]
[[go back|kitchen counter]]
[[open door|cabinet opened]]
[[go back|kitchen counter]][[close door|cabinet closed]]<style>
tw-story{background-image: url('https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn2.asotvinc.com%2Fpimg%2F35641EDB67D64C6487B4C55CA2AF7025.gif&f=1&nofb=1');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover}
</style>(set: $cheese to false)
(set: $bread to false)
(set: $grease to false)
(set: $butter to false)
(set: $spice to false)welcome to your kitchen.
[(if: (visited:"kitchen floor") is false)
[go ahead, (link:"lick some tile")[(set: $lickedtile to true) (replace:?action)
[why did you do [[that?|kitchen floor]]]
(rerun:?floor)].](if: (visited:"kitchen floor") is true)[oh fuck.]
(color:green)[ ]<action|{(set: $lickedtile to false)
before you is the (text-style:"smear","tall")[Stove].
[(if: (visited:"stove bacon grease") is false)[a mason jar full of cooked-off bacon grease sits like a sleeping giant watching over the proceedings.]]
[(if: (visited:"stove pan closeup") is false)[the stove element isnt on right now. if you had your skateboard itd be a good bowl.]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"=X")[on the stoves crown is a small LED clock display. its currently (current-time:).]
<div class=navigate>
<tr><td>[[approach the grease giant|stove bacon grease]]</td></tr><br>
<tr><td>[[look inside pan|stove pan closeup]]</td></tr><br>
<tr><td>[[jump down|kitchen floor]]</td></tr><br>
</div>}you remember the science center- years ago there was a test launch and the flight path was over your home. the debris path. you had nightmares for months about finding dead astronaut in trees. even now theres tension in the corners of your eyes.
where theres a window, theres a wayward pilot dangling.
you think about-
[[Leslie Montfort|the pilot start]]
[[The science center|the program start]]
[[The provisions|the meals start]]the reports liked to focus on the 'brave sacrifice' of the pilot, Leslie Montfort was the only pilot physically on-board, and had almost 7 years of under his belt at the center. he left behind a fiance and a son from a previous marriage.
the vessel fell apart mid-flight and impacted the coast at about 200 mph. the recovered blackbox showed manual control inputs were being sent up until the moment it hit the ground. closed casket.
[(if: (visited:"the program start") is false)[[The science center|the program start]]]
[(if: (visited:"the meals start") is false)[[The provisions|the meals start]]]
[(if: (visited:"the program start")or(visited:"the meals start") is true)[[was it on purpose?|space question tree 3]]]the test itself was tehcnically the maiden flight for a new model of spacecraft. specially engineered for mass passenger transit, and helped financed by private-prison group CoreCivic, if it'd been succesful the first prisoner group would've shipped off-planet within the season.
i guess when they made the design more lightweight to compensate for the extra bodies they simply took too much. or they thought it was good enough to barely scrape by the test flight and accept a certain range of failure in the future.
[(if: (visited:"the pilot start") is false)[[Leslie Montfort|the pilot start]]]
[(if: (visited:"the meals start") is false)[[The provisions|the meals start]]]
[(if: (visited:"the pilot start")or(visited:"the meals start") is true)[[was it on purpose?|space question tree 3]]]there wasnt a large supply on board relative to most ships and relative to what it could theoretically hold. as it was only the pilot on-board, and as the trip would only take 7 weeks each way, the provisions were exactly as needed with no more and no less. upon landing he would've had the chance to re-stock before returning to earth.
per request it was stocked with his favorite foods (//in non-perishable form//); freeze dried seafood, vegetables, and per the pilots requrest; packets of hot sauce. cooking is limited while on the ship but his family said at home he would sear salmon to perfection only to dip it into hot sauce like a chicken nugget.
he liked to see peoples reactions.
[(if: (visited:"the program start") is false)[[The science center|the program start]]]
[(if: (visited:"the pilot start") is false)[[Leslie Montfort|the pilot start]]]
[(if: (visited:"the program start")or(visited:"the pilot start") is true)[[was it on purpose?|space question tree 3]]]
its hard to believe he'd have the access to sabatoge the craft before take-off. and it wouldn't explain the frantic inputs after the atmosphere tore its tender, steel-flesh apart.
i mean, given the chance would you be able to knowingly fly to your own doom?
[[no|space no]]
[[yes|space yes]]
''[[im done pondering.|kitchen sink]]''[(align: "===><==")[why not?]]
[(link:"itd be painful. i really dont want to die like that.")[(set: $spaceN1 to true)(go-to:"space question tree 4n")]]
[(link:"itd only delay the program by a few years, if it werent me itd be someone else.")[(set: $spaceN2 to true)(go-to:"space question tree 4n")]]
[(link:"i couldnt make my loved ones go through that.")[(set: $spaceN3 to true)(go-to:"space question tree 4n")]]
[(link:"i dont mind if the program was succesful, maybe it could enter civilian markets someday?")[(set: $spaceN4 to true)(go-to:"space question tree 4n")]]
[(align: "===><==")[whys that?]]
[(link:"potentially preventing thousands of lives from being shipped into the void- those lives outweigh mine.")[(set: $spaceY1 to true)(go-to:"space question tree 4y")]]
[(link:"at least history would remember me.")[(set: $spaceY2 to true)(go-to:"space question tree 4y")]]
[(link:"regardless of whether or not its sabatoged, its still a dangerous flight and i dont want any of my coworkers to risk it.")[(set: $spaceY3 to true)(go-to:"space question tree 4y")]] [(if: $spaceY1 is true)[agreed. its just hard to know if our logic would hold up when push comes to shove. (link-goto:"no one knows how theyll behave in a situation until theyre in it, like, //really// knows...", "kitchen sink")]]
[(if: $spaceY2 is true)[theres other ways to go about it. but, yeah, for some decades youd be remembered. Most people will be remembered for a generation or 2. Thats pretty admirable honestly. Like maybe being remembered for- <br>(link-goto:"your ability to make others feel safe around you", "kitchen sink")
(link-goto:"your work and the inspiration it gave", "kitchen sink")
(link-goto:"your reliability and the truths in your words", "kitchen sink")
(link-goto:"your hatred of cooking and your track and field high jump score of 2.38 meters", "window end")
[(if: $spaceY3 is true)[Thats very noble of you, protecting the greenhorns and their years of potential. (link-goto:"Even if nothing went wrong i think theyd appreciate your bravery.", "kitchen sink")]]
[(if: $spaceN1 is true)[oh absolutely, sure youd be dead soon after, but those few moments of consciousness before- theres no way you wouldnt be full of regret. and no one would ever know.<br>regret.... like cooking. what if you mess up the grilled cheese?<br>(link-goto:"what if its inedible and i waste all the ingredients?", "window end")
(link-goto:"what if i give myself food poisoning?", "window end")
(link-goto:"what if i set the house on fire?", "window end")
(link-goto:"hm. well, gotta crack a few eggs to bake a cake", "kitchen sink")
[(if: $spaceN2 is true)[maybe. maybe. but maybe that bit of delay is still worth it. why try to live a long life if only to inevitably die? the indominatble human spirit. the prison industrial complex is much less inevitable than life itself.<br>If everythings hopeless why even make a delicious melty grilled cheese, yknow?<br>(link-goto:"hey! Thats a great idea!", "window end")
(link-goto:"eh. Different things.", "kitchen sink")
(link-goto:"so true bestie.", "kitchen sink")
[(if: $spaceN3 is true)[theres no arguing with that. (link-goto:"youd leave a big pit in their hearts.", "kitchen sink")]]
[(if: $spaceN4 is true)[youre giving them much too much credit. ignoring the implication that youre okay with your fellow person being involuntarily shipped off their planet, (link-goto:"its funny to think that high-speed space travel would ever be available to those not rich enough to rent a prison already.", "kitchen sink")]]=><=
(click: ?page)[...you warm the stove to a mid-low temperature]
(click: ?page)[...you lather both sides of both bread slices in butter]
(click: ?page)[...you add a spoonful of bacon grease to the pan]
(click: ?page)[...you put the first bread slice onto the pan and sprinkle salt, pepper, and smoked paprika onto it]
(click: ?page)[...you wait and watch for the underside to crisp up]
(click: ?page)[...you flip it over at just the right time - quickly adding 2 cheese slices in alternating directions- and the other bread slice]
(click: ?page)[...you sprinkle salt, pepper, and smoked paprika onto this one as well]
(click: ?page)[
[[...you flip your almost born creation over once more for the last buttered face to crisp|good cook end]]]<style>
tw-story{background-image: url('https://64.media.tumblr.com/065f28582d339722a6df9d53649e0816/9bb3e60cc63f114f-62/s250x400/9da28031ff204d71e3eac354e2a2e884b77f9cb0.gif'), url('https://clipground.com/images/grilled-cheese-png-8.png');
background-repeat: repeat, no-repeat;
background-size: fill, cover;}
(text-style:"bold","italic","emboss","expand")[...you see the beautiful golden-brown island that is the top of your sandwich, and release the tension you didnt realise you were holding in your face. drops of cheese melt off the sides and with each sizzle of the pan another stress dissappears.](forget-undos:200)
(text-style:"bold","italic","emboss","expand")[why cook. why try. <br>why not just leap out this window right now, onto the soft earth, and run off in the nearest direction to forest. sure you could use the door 3 feet away but whos going to stop you? you hardly care! live a little! <br>forget grilled cheeses with a chance for burnt, learn to forage yum yum pretty berries. that never goes wrong.
pushing through the cantankerous clanging metal valley and popping the screen out of its frame, you climb the windowsil. but-<br> the light-<br>
is fast approaching- faster than gravity and dirt-<br>
theres a light? a bright light-<br> gently warm, all consuming, spotlighting<br>]
[(align:"==><=")+(text-style:"bold","italic","smear","expand","sway")[do you embrace it back?]]
(align:"====><===")[[yes|window end 2]] (align:"==><==")[[no|window endalt 2]]
embracing it you, and seemingly it too, twirl down through the air, dancing as it then lifts you up, up, up- around you youre alone now.
(link-reveal: "...but different")[(t8n:"dissolve")(show: ?butdifferent)]
|butdifferent)[(link-reveal: "whats a grilled cheese. whats a chee or a grill? 'plep plep plep' your wing-sounds comfort you that you havent been killed yet. alive and beating! yellow wings. yellow nectar! need yellow flowers. 'plep plep plep'. a mate also. yes. a safe space to lay your clutch too. cant forget that. 'plep plep plep'.")[(t8n:"dissolve")(show: ?darkness)]]
|darkness)[behind you is a dark square, in front of you is a bright future. the dark square has no yellow flowers, or soft antenna, or cute forelegs (like you!!) 'plep plep plep'. <br> (align:"==><===")[fuck da dark square. 'plep plep plep'.]
wrestling the light, you grapple it and both bodies of life tumble down onto the ground. it escapes your grasp and you lose sight of it. youre alone now.
(link-reveal: "...but different")[(t8n:"dissolve")(show: ?butdifferent)]
|butdifferent)[(link-reveal: "whats a grilled cheese. whats a chee or a grill? 'plep plep plep' your wing-sounds comfort you that you havent been killed yet. yet. small soft bodies like you should not rest on their laurels and never on the dirt. yellow wings. yellow nectar! need yellow flowers. 'plep plep plep'. gain traction in the breeze. yes. a safe space to take off where you can really shine. up up up! 'plep plep plep'.")[(t8n:"dissolve")(show: ?darkness)]]
|darkness)[ behind you is a dark square, in front of you is a bright future. the dark square has no yellow flowers, or soft antenna, or cute forelegs (like you!!) 'plep plep plep'. <br> (align:"==><===")fuck da dark square. 'plep plep plep'.